Timeline - year by year chronology

Video Of The Day




Firstly, a BIG thank you to all those members who bought the single “GET DOWN AND GET WITH IT”, and judging by the success it’s having, most of you did.

Well, I suppose most of you will either be going on holiday, or at least thinking about it soon. I’m off at the end of this week, hope to return tanned. The boys were extremely envious when I told them about my holiday this week, as they will not have time for a holiday this year, as you can see by the following date list for July and August: 


lst to 4th HOLLAND
8th Old Grannery, Bristol
9th Chez Club, Leytonstone
10th Teenage Centre, Fareham, Hants.
15th The Regal, Minehead
16th Croes-Y-Celiog Community, Cwmbran
21st The Rex Ballroom, Bognor Regis
22nd The Marquee, Wardour Street, London
23rd The Pageant Rooms, Penarth, S.Wales
28th Comos Youth Centre, St. Andrews, Fife
29th Isle of Arran, Scotland
31st Isle of Arran, Scotland
1st Electric Garden, Glasgow, Scotland
9th Cooksferry Inn, Edmonton
11th Ballerina Ballroom, Nairn
12th Water Mill Hotel, Paisley
13th Bobby Jones Ballroom, Ayr
14th Burntisland Palais, Fife
15th Kilmerdinny Stadium, Bearsden
16th Oughtons Rest, Dumfries
28th Hall Farm, Weely, Clacton, Essex


Well here’s your chance to have something printed in our newsletter. This competition is to write a poem, all your own work, please, and should be centered around Slade. You can either write a poem about one member, all the boys, their songs or what you think of them, or one including all these aspects. Jimmy, our feature member, this time will be judging the entries, together with Nod, Don and Dave as his panel.

The Winner will receive a new Slade album, so start composing those poems. You have until August 15th, 1971.


And now a word from Jimmy:

Dear All,
This is the first time that any of my literary scribblings have been included in a newsletter, so if Di can decipher my writing, here goes with last month’s happenings.

Of course, the beginning of the month saw the escape of “GET DOWN AND GET WITH IT” which met with very favourable reviews from most, and that pleased everyone concerned.

To promote the disc, we have done various interviews and shows. The Roger Whittaker Show, for one, which sounds an unlikely thing for us to scream and stomp our way into, but apparently it came over very well, although we didn’t see ourselves, due to a visit to Holland. Unfortunately it was not on regional TV, London, Anglia and Harlech, as far as I mow, so a good many of you will have missed it. All the other artists on the bill came over to us while we were rehearsing and told us how much they liked the show, which, :coming from established people, was very good.

I mentioned before that we went to Holland. It was our first time over there and was fantastic from beginning to end. The audiences must have been among the best that we have ever played to. Our night in Amsterdam landed us a contract for a 4O minute TV show of our own which is recorded and filmed at a live open air concert. I don’t think that any English producer would put one group on for a solid forty minutes.

Our last night over there was very frightening for us all. We stayed in a hotel which gave us a single room each, but I don’t think that anyone had a single wink of sleep due to creaks and bumps all night along with numerous nightmares. It also seems that we all had some feeling of an alien body being in our room, although all the doors had been locked. I think we were all glad to get away from that place.

Back to the British Isles again. We played at Cardiff University in the hottest place I have ever been in. Dave couldn’t stand it and collapsed to the ground with heat exhaustion, which was ill very well, but the stage was about five feet high. Luckily we did not hurt himself. The crowd were stamping for an encore, so Nod, Don and myself went back and just about managed another number, then crawled back to the dressing room. I hope they soon have ventilation the next time we play there.

However, that seems to be about it, so cheerio for now.




Well all right everybody.
Let your hair down.
Wanna see everybody get up off their feet,
Clap your hands, stamp your feet
Get down and get with it.
Do the jerk, come on baby. 

I’m gonna watch everybody work
I said come on, baby
Watch everybody do the dance
I said get down and get with it
It’s been a long time Yeah yeah yeah.

I’m gonna watch everybody work
I said come on, baby
Watch everybody make some time.
‘said get down and get with it
It’s alright
Yeah yeah yeah.

Oh my my my my,
Oh baby, it’s alright.
Oh my my my my,
Everybody rise, both your hands in the air
Everybody everywhere.
I said clap your hands
Everybody clap your hands Yeah yeah yeah

Oh my my my my
Wanna see everybody get your boots on,
Everybody everywhere.
I said stomp your feet Yeah yeah yeah

Oh my my my my
Everybody stomp your feet.
Oh my my my my
Wanna see everybody get up off your seat
Clap your hands and stomp your feet.
Make it - get down and get with it.
‘said get down and get with it.
Do the jerk, come on baby. Yeah yeah yeah
Oh my my my my.

I said come on, baby
Oh my my my
I said stomp your feet Yeah.
Listen to the beat, baby Yeah yeah yeah
Oh my my my my.




Just the way you move you seem to turn me on
Stocking black and slender,
What I want, yeah.
Always gets me higher
When you stroke my palm
Gotta keep me level
Keep control.

Do you want me, moving around with you
Moving around with you now,
Do you want me moving around with you.
Take me, here I come.

Just the way you move you seem to turn me on
Stockings black and slender.
Have to change around
I don’t need no other,
Got me one.

It’s just the way
Don’t you know it’s just the way that you move
You take me if I’ll come.
It’s just the way
Don’t you know it’s the way that you move.

© Copyright 1971 by BARN PUBLISHING LTD

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