Old Guestbook Salvaged

New Slade In England Version of 'How Does It Feel


When Slade In England made its web bow in 1997 there were hardly any Slade sites of any note, a few ramshackle pages dotted around, those that were out there seemed to be forgetting that Slade were Nod, Don, Jim & Dave. No one else. SIE has hardly ever posted pages of web links, and nothing has changed. The only sites that will be endorsed on SIE are those that the diehard fan or casual observer alike will find informative and entertaining. So, in no particular order:


FROM ROOTS TO BOOTS belongs to Michael Parker and is a labour of love and chock full of information, conspiracy theories, cul-de-sacs, and an unforgiving navigation structure. It is after all a blog site, but a blog site that is meticulously researched, anally in fact, but if you are a fan looking to be wowed by obscure trivia as well as spot on information you can't really go wrong by giving Micky P's blog a spin. Like most labours of love, time and motivation being in varying supply the site suffers from being too top heavy with 'stuff', which means that it often appears to be a little patchy in places which is understandeable as what Micky is trying to achieve with this historical documentation of the band from year zero to the present day is both unforgiving and dare I say impossible. All of the hard core Slade fans are well aware of the site but if you are new to the game give it a spin, you never know what you will find in there.

THE SLADE ARCHIVE is a different kettle of sprats altogether. Originally started as a vehicle for Ian Edmondson to show off his collection of photographs documenting the 'dark days' of the band. The Slade Archive grew rapidly in content and specialised on the equipment used by the band, in particular the guitars used. A mine of musical based information with emphasis placed on the band we all grew up loving and not the band currently using the name. There is a fairly healthy fan forum within which you will have to register to view. A great site from a top fan.


THE SLADE COVE is the latest Slade online stopping off place, if you have not ventured into the Cove from Ashley Smith then do so now. Ashley is a young fan, one of a new generation that discovered the band and what they were all about retrospectively. Over the years there have been many sites that have come and gone, often started by well intentioned individuals that quickly realised how much there was to research and write about. Ashley has compiled a site that is now my go to place when I need my memory refreshed about some piece of ephemera relating to a release or moment in time. I strongly suggest as a fan that you patronise Ashley and his site, it's well worth the click, make sure you bookmark his page and maybe leave a line or two in his guestbook...


DAVE KEMP & SLADE is the main portal of Dave's three outstanding offerings for the discerning Slade fan. Along with THE SLADE SCRAPBOOK and THE SLADE FAN CLUB NEWS Dave covers every facet of his own involvement with the band offering the rarest of insights into the Slade world. The sites are all excellent and easily navigated considering the huge amount of information contained therein. There is something for everyone ranging from contemporary press cuttings, behind the scenes personal photographs and nailed on facts relating to the band and their history. Take a hugely enjoyable trip back through time and give these three sites your proper attention.

I may add other links if in the future other sites up their game to be included.

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