Timeline - year by year chronology

Video Of The Day



'Slade In Flame' album was released in the States last month and heads the album releases of Warner Bros., the record com­ pany in the U.S.A. At time of writing it is 150 (with a bullet) with sales increasing week by week. No single has yet been taken from the album but it seems most of the radio stations are playing 'How Does It Feel'.

Still some '75 Tour Programmes available at 40p incl. postage & packing. Also, 'Slade In Flame' poster magazine at 30p plus 6p p & p (overseas members please add an extra 1 Op for postage).

No news of a British single release date, but Chas has four or five possible songs on tape and wants to discuss with the boys which it is to be.

I've just cleared out my storeroom and come across some old T-shirts. A few glitter 'Skweeze Me Pleeze Me' T-shirts and some Slade cartoon shirts. These shirts are either small or medium (sorry, no large sizes) and available at only £1.00 including p & p. Because of the limited number available they will be distributed on a first come first served basis. So please don't be disappointed if you are unable to purchase one.

The boys would like to wish Karen Hennessey all the best for the 'future following her accident during the Liverpool concert on the last tour.

Once again I can supply the sheet music for Slade's latest single 'Thanks for the Memory', which also has a colour photo on the front. It is sold in the shops at 25p, but to Fan Club members it is only 20p which includes p & p. Just send P.O. or cheque, made payable to the Slade Fan Club, and! will send it off a.s.a.p.


Dave was trying to keep his hair in some sort of order as the wind whipped off the Hudson River. Noddy, juggled with his ice cream and signed an autograph. Jim and Don turned their faces into the sun as the Statue of Liberty loomed above them.

There could never have been such a peaceful scene in England, or in a dozen countries around the world. But here in the United States, despite their previous tours, they can still walk down the street and attract only an occasional glance of recognition. 'We have made it everywhere else except here' said Dave, 'That's why this is a make or break trip'. Americans have remained politely unimpressed, despite those previous tours.

'We were on the verge of making it several times' said Dave during a sightseeing sail aboard a Statue of Liberty ferry, 'But the tours were too short - it seemed that each time we had to return home just as we were winning. So we intend to work here for the rest of the year, with only one break of a fortnight when we'll go back to England. We're very determined, our attitude isn't can we make it? but we will make it!.


There were two winners for the last competition. Slade travelled 1,759 miles during their last British tour, and the two members of the Fan Club who were nearest were:­ David Kemp of West Hampstead and Janet Howson of Ashbourn.

Part 2

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