The Gospel According To Randall

Old Guestbook Salvaged

New Slade In England Version of 'How Does It Feel



I can honestly say that the day I got to know of Randall's tragic death a little piece of me became forever Ran. The whole Slade In England community, and indeed Slade fans and friends from afar all mourned the passing of this wonderful man.

Randall burst onto the Slade In England scene with an enthusiasm hitherto unknown and was instantly liked by one and all. His stuttering written English language skills endeared him to us, his unrivalled passion and enthusiasm for Slade breathed a fire into the forum and Randall was rightly accepted as one of us in double quick time. It was Randall that I created the Slade video's for, I remember how excited he was when I first sent him the SIE edit of 'Born To Be Wild' and how many moons could he have jumped over when sent the first SIE composite 'How Does It Feel'.

I found myself ever more drawn into his world, he was one of the most genuine friends I have ever known. He was a gifted musician and was constantly writing and recording his music in a makeshift studio, his 'Slade Project' was to record his version of 'How Does It Feel', a track he considered the finest ever written, not just by Holder/Lea, but by anyone, nothing even his beloved Rolling Stones had recorded came close. Rarely a day went by without Randall in some form or another. Through the forum, internet chat apps and telephone we became friends and after a while it was only right that we met.

I spent an extremely pleasurable Christmas and New Year with Randall and Nikki in Brugges. He was all I expected him to be in the real, a laid back man with a huge beaming smile and an infectious laugh. We drank, smoked the finest Dutch weed, chatted, played guitar together and laughed. We spent Christmas Eve strumming our own version of 'How Can It Be' and then his arrangement of 'How Does It Feel'



He was a really Fab & Groovy bloke, he told me he loved four things in his world, his son, Nikki, Slade and Slade In England. I cannot speak for anyone else who knew Ran, but for me, when the tragic news of his death had sunk in, and it was for real, we were all numbed. The All Singing, All Dancing Fab And Groovy Slade In England Message Bored would never be the same. It could never be. It was the beginning of the end certainly for me.

I will never have any form of involvement online and not pay my own little tribute to a man I miss and have done since he was taken away from us. I have in my time made hundreds of video clips both professionally and as a hobbyist, the hardest one I ever put together is the one that means the most to me. Nikki sent me some loose raw footage of Randall making his own promotional video for 'How Does It Feel'. I had told him that I would gladly put it all together when he was happy with the final cut of the track. I never got the chance while he was alive to see it, the last I had spoken with him he was agonising over the perfect ending to the track and would let me know when he was ready.

So take a few moments to have a watch and a listen to Ran, remember him always. Miss you mate.





Andy (Denzil) What i would really would like to say is what a lovely tribute to Ran. God knows how many evenings i've spent on here, trying to work out his musings. What happened was terrible, and although i never met him, i emailed him a number of times and by what people say, every Slade fan who met Ran had their lives enhanced by a lovely lad. It's a lovely warm tribute. one that is thoroughly deserved......


Gary Jordan wonderful davey lad, those who met rAN will never forget his enthusiasm for the band, a fine tribute to a fine man


Duncan Spokes Lovely tribute. I wont forget him at that sladefest, he spent his last money getting across and was determined to enjoy every second. Sleeping very little and drinking lots he bounced round with the energy of a teenager on speed.
Great guy and sadly missed .

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